نجوم الكيبوب

أعضاء ستراي كيدز : الأسماء ، الطول ، العمر ، الوزن و الموقع 2023

ستراي كيدز أصبحت واحد من أكثر فرق الكيبوب من الجيل الرابع تميزا و تفردا ٬ فهي تقدم مفاهيم قوية كما تتضمن الفرقة على تشكيلة موهوبة من الأعضاء  . لذا سنقدم معلومات حديثة 2023 حول أعضاء ستراي كيدز ٬ أسماء أعضاء مجموعة STRAY KIDS ، الطول ، العمر / عيد الميلاد ، الوزن و كما سنتعرف على موقع كل عضو . لكل أولئك الفضوليين حول فرقتهم المفضلة .

أسماء أعضاء فرقة  Stray Kids بالإنجليزية

أطوال أعضاء Stray Kids

هيونجين هو أطول عضو في STRAY KIDS ويبلغ ارتفاعه 179 سم (5’10.5 بوصات) ، بينما أقصر عضو هو تشانغ بين  بارتفاع 167 سم (5’6 بوصات).

  •  بانغ تشان: 171 سم (5’7 ‘)
  •  تشانغبين: 167 سم (5 قدم 6 بوصات)
  •  هيونجين : 179 سم (5’10.5 ″)
  •  لي نو : 172 سم (5’8 ″)
  •  سونغمين : 175 سم (5’10 ″)
  •  هان: 169 سم (5’7)
  •  فيليكس: 171 سم (5’7)
  •  ايان : 170 سم (5’8)

أعمار أعضاء Stray Kids 2023

في حين أن أصغر عضو في Stray kids هو I.N ، فإن  أكبر عضو هو Bang Chan. ( يتم احتساب العمر في 2023 بغض النظر عن تاريخ ميلاد كل عضو )

  •  بانغ تشان: 3 أكتوبر 1997 (26 )
  • لي نو: 25 أكتوبر 1998 (25 سنة )
  •  تشانغ بين: 11 أغسطس 1999 ( 24 سنة )
  •  هيونجين: 20 مارس 2000 (23 سنة )
  •  سونغمين: 22 سبتمبر 2000 (23 سنة)
  •  هان: 14 سبتمبر 2000 (23 )
  •  فيليكس: 15 سبتمبر 2000 (23 سنة )
  •  ايان : 8 فبراير 2001 (22 سنة )

 أوزان أعضاء فرقة ستراي كيدز

وزن أعضاء Stray kids  غير معروف جيدًا. لكن تتوفر معلومات الوزن لبعض الأعضاء فقط .

  •  بانغ تشان: 56 كجم (123 رطلاً)
  •  تشانغ بن: –
  •  هيونجين : 56 كجم (123 رطلاً)
  •  لي نو  : 48 كجم (105 رطل)
  •  سونغمين : 56 كجم (123 رطلاً)
  •  هان: –
  •  فيليكس: –
  •  ايان : 55 كجم (121 رطلاً)

 مواقع  أعضاء ستراي كيدز في الفرقة .

كما هو معروف لدى عشاق الكيبوب فلكل عضو ضمن فرقة الكيبوب موقع محدد يشغله .

  • بانغ تشان: قائد ، مغني رئيسي ، راقص رئيسي ، مغني راب
  • تشانغ بين: مغني الراب الرئيسي
  • هيونجين: مغني راب رئيسي ، راقص رئيسي ، بصري
  • لي نو  : راقص رئيسي ، مغني ، مغني راب
  • سونغمين: المغني الرئيسي
  • هان: مغني راب رئيسي ، مغني رئيسي
  • فيليكس: مغني الراب الرئيسي ، الراقص الرئيسي
  • ايان : مغني ، الماكني

أخيرا من هو بايسك من فرقة stray kids  ؟ .


مشاركات ذا صلة

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84 تعليقات

  1. Hann_mann الاسم الحقيقي : ألاء اخضر . فتات says:

    أشجعكم على الاستمرار ,نحن stay ننتضر المزيد من الحفلات و الانجزاة عدونا ان تستمروا لنهاية التي لا تنتهي معكم . كما نحن أيض سنعدكم أن نستمر في حبكم ولن نتخلى عنكم .

  2. زوجه هيونجين says:

    انا ستاي من ٢٠١٨/٤/٢٨ جد اعشق سكيز وخصوصا هيونجين وانا زوجته الاصليه ابغي ارسل شوي عن مشاعري له
    *Hyunjin – You and me and only us, When I see the moon, I remember you, but when I see you, I forget the moon. And I looked into your eyes, hoping to be guided, and after contemplating, my confusion increased! . It’s as if happiness depends on his laugh. Lights shine in the soul when he smiles. Your eyes alone are the anchors of my boats and the friends of my travels. If I had a homeland, then your face is my home. “What is your secret? I do not know. All the secrets in you are tempting.” I wish the connection would extend the longing, but I am near. I’m getting more and more excited. I hide your absence, the eyes are clear, and the memories on your path are hurtful. Your voice still touches the air, and your clothes smell on me. If I don’t meet you tomorrow or the day after, I will return alone to see you yesterday. I have become unbearable for days without you, wherever you are. I want you to come back to me. -O people who have the most beautiful words when they look and the sweetest words when they speak. And you are the one in whom there is no longer any healing. What is this patience that kept you smiling? You have from me what I see from you. I have affection for those whose affection last. Life passes me by and I don’t know whether a day has passed or a year has passed. Should my heart be blamed for what it desires, or will your eyes be blamed for what has deceived me? He who fears the waves of the seas will remain standing on the sand all his life. Like drinking water in the extreme of drought, and like happiness in the extreme of misery. And I saw a dream that I met you. I wish dreams had certainty. “No matter how far you disappear from the eyes and accept, you who are in the heart do not change What is passion but a risk? And you are the most beautiful thing about your dangerous love. Your face is full of flirtation, it stores a dictionary and a Bible, and a Babylonian garden is hanging in my heart. And I read in the eyes of Al-Maliha a sentence that parsed, “O you, you are my home.” His eyes are nothing but a sharp sword that pierces my heart due to its beauty and sharpness, and my heart will continue to bleed for it. The passion in the moment of your eye is latent, like the latency of death in the well-groomed beauty*` *You and me, and damn the language law. I wonder if your eyes are more beautiful or your laugh. One gets lost in me and the other makes me lose myself. I love you so much that I feel sad because I forget my name sometimes. Even in the midst of being distracted from the world, I find myself lost in thought about you. Your love has completely captured my heart. You are still all my desires, my last thoughts when I sleep, my first thoughts in the morning, and my constant thought throughout the day. Staring at you is a hug that my arms could not surround you, so my eyes surrounded you. “Beautiful, so beautiful that twenty-eight words are not enough to describe its beauty.” When my eyes saw you, sir, I forgot to put on my seat belt. You are beautiful enough to be in my dreams every night. My heart, and the result was a heartbeat incident. How can a small circle like your face carry all the maps of beauty in such spontaneous harmony? Between the eyelids and the sea of ​​eyes, my heart fell. You are pampered, and you are a full moon, and the beloved has the right to be pampered by your eyes. There is a sea and I did not reach its shores, but rather I got lost in it and lost my directions. The heartbeats rejoice for those who love it, and I have my eyes for you in the end. And the dawn Light emanates from your face, and the night is a magic piece of your nights. “The verses of your love in my heart are clear. Who said that I repent from your desire?” What is the matter with your eyes? They are clouded with darkness, as if grayness has spread in their eyelids. The sun is jealous when it sees you in the morning, and in the language of your passion is in me, so he wakes up. And he blames me Biting animals for his love, is he blessed with livelihood? Your eyes metaphorically recite a poem, and the eyelashes are a crowd that applauds while standing. The eye has longed for you. No one has followed the whispers of anyone but you. Who knows the eye that the heart desires you? “The signs of your love in my heart are more precise than those who said that I repent from your desires?” Were the stars similar to your eyes, or were your eyes the stars themselves? All the eyes that passed were equal, but your eyes were neither equal nor similar. In the sea of ​​your eyes, all my longings wandered, Mr. Hassan. Do you intend to drown me? So how can I repent in your eyes out of love when your Lord has made me fall in love with you? Your face is full of flirtation, it stores a dictionary and a Bible, and a Babylonian garden is hanging in my heart. I see you as the only star that delights my heart, even in my most extinguished states. Where does this beautiful sun shine from, from the radiance of the universe or from the face of my beloved? I miss you, and my longing has come to an end. Won’t you pardon me? And you open for me the window of your love and the door of your heart and honor me with the pleasure of reaching you? I wonder, are your eyes more beautiful or your voice? One of them gets lost in me, and the other makes me lose myself. Wherever I am, you are the soul in my body, and wherever I walk, you are the matter and the intention. And when I loved you, I closed my eyes and walked to you without remembering my way back, for you are the path that has no return. Eyes were filled with love for your features and the nectar of flowers drank from your connection. It is as if your laughter was created from the alignment of the stars and as if it was embodied in the form of a galaxy since you entered my life and has been illuminating it and making it more beautiful Except, as if she was an angel who came to me from heaven. I begin with you, I return to you, I am lost without you, and in you I find myself. All the love in my heart is for you alone, and my soul does not adore anyone else, and my mind only thinks of you. Through love, I have reached the status of my soul through his soul, and bodies are separated. I do not see anyone but you, they said, and He creates forty people similar to you. Out of forty people, I want nothing but you. Love killed lovers, and your love revived me. If I had been given the choice of a homeland, I would have said, “I love you, my homeland.” Because with me, I do not need a Valentine’s Day, for every night that passes in my life with him by my side is a holiday. I love you, and this is something that does not decrease, does not change, and is not affected by distance or lack of words. I love you with habit and binding. These, the charming eyes, I want because I am sick, and their kohl is my antidote. Glory be to Him who placed in the eyes a thousand stories, making whoever sees them think the books are his eyes. They invented letters to describe the beauty of your eyes, but they failed. Because of my jealousy for you, creations were created without eyes so that they could not see you. I almost hug your eyes with longing, and you are in front of me, and there is a long path between you and me. And this mise Hyunjin, why are you so keen on making my heart fall, why are you so keen on making my eyelids flutter just by looking at your eyes, you don’t know I prefer you over my heart, because you have not tried to look into it, examine it deeply into my heart, you will find my heart fluttering with you, pulsing with you, every second that passes, I feel like an eternity, looking into your eyes makes me drown in a deep ocean that is difficult to get out of, my heart is weak, my eyes are weak, words I’m so tired of expressing what’s inside me, you make me feel like, “Oh my God, why is he so keen on killing me with his looks? Oh, our eyes “My lips, you are making me lose my peace. You are making me lose control over you. Hide away from me. You do not feel what I feel. I am too weak to be alone.” Your looks, I stare at you, you are everything I think about, at the beginning of my day, at the end, you are always on my mind How can you do this to me? You make me feel like I’m dying every time I look at you. I swear my heart is tired. My feelings are almost like a heart Oh, how silent my heart can bear my feelings, I swear that my feelings are too difficult to express my love for you, you make me lose My friend, are your eyes a refuge for me to take shelter in? Do you have the comfort in your embrace that I hope for? Do you have the strength in your hand that I want you to hold? Oh my God, can you even bear me? I can’t help myself when I look at you, you make me feel like, “Oh my dear, I want to be killed, I want to kill me, with a time I love you, love for a long time I swear that the opportunity to see you has come, I will not hesitate, I will kiss your tongue, hug you, hold your hand, kiss your cheek, play with your hair, my dreams are many, from the thief It’s easy to achieve it, I know, it’s difficult to get what I want from you, but I won’t give up, my love for you There is no end to Him, until I grow up like an old woman, I will still love you*

  3. مروى says:

    كنت احسب تشان اطول مني لكن هيون هو الي يناسبني 🙂

  4. stay blink says:

    انا بحب فيليكس لانه صوته كتير حلو وهو كمان حلو

  5. ورعه تشان says:

    تشان حقي يحلوههههه

  6. سكيز قاده الجيل الرابه says:

    الي تحب هيون توقف جمبي

  7. وحده اوت8 و تبي تتزوج سكيز كلهم بس ماتقدر لان الشرع حلل اربع says:

    يالله احس يفشل انا اطول من بيني و لسه احلم اتزوجه والله على طولي ذا ما يقبل بي

  8. Wife_in says:

    اياني حقي مثاليي

  9. Just skz 💥. says:

    مثاليين 😩💋

    • mmmmm says:

      بايسي بااااااااانغ تشاااااان بحبههههه كتييييرررررررررررررر 😭❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  10. ستاي فوريفر! says:

    وووهههه ليكثوو

  11. مومو says:

    احبهم واحس م استحمل جمالهم والاخص فيلكس

    • Nour elsayed said says:

      بحبهم اويييييييييي انا البايس فيلكس وريكر هيونجين بحبهم اوي اوي اوي اوييييييييييييييييييييي

    • Tshimin says:

      احبهم كلهم بس تشانغبين غيير💖😣

  12. Lee syola says:

    لی نو🐰💗

  13. nayeon ❤️‍🔥💍 says:

    احبهم كلهمم واكثر اللي احبهم
    وبسس 😭🤍💍

  14. منال says:

    انا احبstray kids الى الابد 💜💜💜💜😍😍

  15. هاجر says:

    اني كلللش احبهم واتمنه التقي بيهم ههههههه بربي ادري
    اني تافهة بس لالا صدق اتمنه التقي بيهم وبس💍💋
    나는 그들을 절대적으로 사랑하고 그들을 만날 수 있기를 바랍니다💍💋

  16. HAN STAN - Love str kids says:

    Stray kids every where all around the world you make stray kids stay

    انا ستاى من 2021 وبايسى هان

    فى غلطه فى الطول طول ايان 172

  17. HAN STAN - Love str kids says:

    Stray kids every where all around the world you make stray kids stay

    انا ستاى من 2021 وبايسى هان فرقتى المفضله ستراى كيدز

    فى غلطه فى الطول طول ايان 172

  18. ستاي says:

    جميعهم في عمر ٢٠ تقريبن

  19. زوجة فيليكس||🤯 says:

    حلويننن كلهم بس طبعا فيليكس الاحلى

  20. زوجة سكيز كلهم 💋🤯 says:


  21. شهد says:

    ليس صحيحا

  22. زوجة هيونجين و فيليكس الاصلية says:

    انا هي زوجة هيونجين و فيليكس الاصلية في احد ناداني؟

  23. جوي says:

    الستاي افضل فاندوم بالكون احس معكم بالدفء مره ،البايس حقي مينهو 💟💟، تعالوا انستا brrawny افتح طول الوقت!.

  24. لوسي says:

    احب لينو ابتسامته بس بمجرد اني اشوفه احس اني بخير تماما وسكيز كلهم بعد أحبهم حبايبي😢🤏🏻💗💗

  25. ليا says:

    انه رائع
    ليا زوجة فيلكس وعيون جين

  26. ليا says:


  27. أحب أيان زوجة أيان 💋💍 says:

    زوجة أيان😔💋💋💍

  28. جيني says:

    اخخخ احب تشاني اتمنى اشوفه يوم من الايام وترا يا ستاي انتو بقلبي😢💗💗💗

  29. سمية says:

    امااا ماكنت ادري انوا ايان عند كثير ستان

  30. عمتك says:

    تشان وفليكس اكثر اعضاء اقدر افرق بينهم 😭

  31. lino🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 says:

    ستاي احبكم كلكم💋💋

  32. ilove_you_i.n_and_skz says:

    اياني زوجي لحدي يخذه هو احلى شخصص هو حقيييييييي احب ايانن

  33. شدخلك says:

    احب تشان 😩💥🔥.

  34. مهوس هيوني says:

    مهوس هيون عندكم تعالو انسناyoon_. 14

  35. Felix Hyunjin says:

    أحب فيليكس و هيونجين البايسات تبعي ❤️

  36. ايان الحياه افضل says:

    احب اياني💋💋💋

  37. Lee know says:

    صوتو الي لي نو اكتر م مرة م شان نقهر كارهينه💔✋🏻

  38. Lee know 💥 says:

    احب لينو😩💋

  39. Lee Know ❤️‍🔥 says:

    لينو حبيبي ما عليك من الكارهين انا احبك 3>

  40. روريتا says:

    اعطو كل الحب للينو

  41. Sara says:

    ايانييي نفس شهر ميلادييييي 😭😩💘💘💍✨

  42. مههوسه هيون 😜 says:

    احبك هيوني

  43. اما ني says:

    احبك فيلكس♥️♥️♥️♥️🇰🇷🇰🇷

  44. مالك دخل says:

    في غش ترى
    ليه تشانقبين اخر واحد والله مايجي حرام عليكم ياناس

  45. Rimma says:


  46. اية says:

    احسن موقع

  47. Reef says:

    ككككوويين عرفت عنهم اكثر وعرفت ان انا واياني نفس تاريخ البيرثدي😢😢

  48. حلا الكرنجيه says:

    شسمه كيف اصارحكم ان انا وزني أكثر منهم كلهم 🫂💔

  49. Layan says:

    انا فان قديم شوي بس جيت اشوف🥲

  50. Jimin Stan 🍡. says:

    صمت بايسي صار تشانغ بين عشانه اقصر واحد بينهم 💀

  51. M. says:

    لا ترا ايان اطول من كذا اعتقد طوله176

  52. Shaymaa says:

    يحزن ان وزني نفس وزن لينو ⁦اهئ ಥ‿ಥ⁩

  53. شلون افرق بينهم ذولا الله يعيني🤐 says:

    صرت فان لهم احس ؟

  54. شلون افرق بينهم ذولا الله يعيني🤐 says:

    صرت فان لهم احس🥸

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